Why does losing weight feel so defeating for so many people? Investing in yourself shouldn’t be a source of discouragement or roadblocks for anyone. Whole-body wellness and weight loss – both feeling comfortable in your body, plus losing the weight and keeping it off – is achievable!
If typical diet programs start off hopeful but leave you in discouragement over and over again, it’s time to let yourself off the hook. Many of these programs are not based on a holistically healthy lifestyle and won’t actually work or help you feel your best for the long term.
Lauren Dunn, Wellness Coach and Office Manager at the Albano Clinic, has watched this unfold firsthand. “Growing up, my mom always struggled with weight and had tried every diet program,” Lauren said. In her own life, Lauren was struggling to get pregnant. Deciding they wanted to make a conscious decision to improve their health, Lauren and her mom decided to do a medically assisted weight loss program in Utah called Ideal Protein.
What were the results? Lauren said, “Both of us have never felt this good in our entire life! My mom lost 126 lbs, and I saw her life changed forever. Additionally, I was also able to get pregnant after one year of trying. It was amazing! I wanted to be able to share this amazing program with everyone and shout it from the rooftop!”
Why does Ideal Protein change peoples’ lives?
After years of searching for a system that aligned with medical science, remained simple enough to stick to, and ultimately, provided a solution that actually worked, Dr. Joseph Albano settled upon Ideal Protein.
The Albano Clinic partners with Ideal Protein, a medically-developed weight loss protocol that has been evolving for over 20 years. The Albano Clinic is a physician-supervised weight loss clinic following the Ideal Protein program that emphasizes optimizing your body and living a healthier lifestyle. Under the guidance of your personal weight loss coach, this program balances protein levels while minimizing fat and carbohydrates.
Lauren chose Ideal Protein over other programs because “it creates the balance of your nutrients and isn’t just a weight loss program. This program helps you lose weight and then keep it off. It’s a weight loss program that works! It helps you reset your body and reset your mind. It has three phases to help you lose, stabilize, and maintain your weight. You are also getting weekly one-on-one coaching without paying a ridiculous amount! It helps create a plan that is perfect for you.”
She continues, “According to weight loss doctor and co-founder of Ideal Protein Dr. Tran Tien Chanh, “‘The cause of many weight issues in modern society is insulin dysfunction’ This dysfunction is a direct result of a diet high in saturated fats and sugars – a diet very much in line with the typical American diet. To put it simply, an overproduction of insulin may lead to constant sugar cravings and weight gain. Ideal Protein’s goal is to change the way your body is using and producing insulin.
We aren’t just helping you lose weight. We want to change the way your body is working. This is why we help you lose body fat without losing muscle mass. The Ideal Protein Protocol addresses weight issues at the source, reducing carbohydrates and fats while ensuring adequate daily protein intake. In other words, the goal is to lose fat, not muscle.”
What’s it like to join the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol?
First, a weight loss physician will create a personalized approach for your weight loss goals. One of the best differences about Ideal Protein at the Albano Clinic is that you can expect a beginning, middle, and end to your program. No more yo-yo dieting without an end in sight!
While beginning this program, participants eat three Ideal Protein meals per day, along with daily supplements to support great nutrition. These are all included in your weekly cost. Ideal Protein foods are made from high-quality micronutrients. Participants get to choose the 4-6 oz. of protein and 4 cups of vegetables to include in their daily meals. Ideal Protein’s goal is to create a perfect balance of nutrients. Personally, for Lauren, “while eating these things not much about my routine has changed. The only thing that has changed is what I am putting in my mouth.”
Second, work one-on-one with a wellness coach who cares! “While on the protocol, a personal coach will teach you techniques for a healthier lifestyle and empower you to sustain your weight loss results over the course of your life,” Lauren shares. Participants can look forward to weekly coaching sessions providing guidance, encouragement, and education about this lifestyle moving forward.
Learn how many calories you burn in an average day, what food combinations to avoid, and how to prevent weight gain while still enjoying the foods you love. Practice cooking healthier recipes that you’ll love and that consists of more natural flavors and spices.
Lauren’s Weight Loss Coaching Experience
Lastly, get the results you want. We asked Lauren what kind of results to expect. She recalls stories of working with motivated individuals in the program.
“Itol gained lots of confidence in herself. I remember the day she told me her kids could wrap their hands around her. She lost 130lbs over the course of the program!
Melissa loved Disneyland, but couldn’t go on the rides due to her weight. Her goal was to be able to lose 150lbs. She accomplished that and is still going! Her goal is to ride all the rides with no problems and be able to pull down the bar.
Debbie Ballard (another coach and my mom) was able to get on and off the floor with her grandkids with no problem. I remember the first time that she bought a shirt at the same store as me. We both cried tears of joy with each other in the store because of what she had accomplished, and I knew the difference it made in her life!”
After having two beautiful children, Lauren and her husband decided to start Ideal Protein again – together! After eight weeks, she’s lost over 15 pounds!
“The advice I give to all my patients is that you need to realize we are making a lifestyle change. Things aren’t going to change overnight. We are working on making this a smooth transition from eating Ideal Protein food to eating for your lifestyle in the long-term.”
That’s what makes this a weight loss program that works! It’s not a fad, and it’s not going to keep you eating the same things forever. This is about a journey to true life change, guided by weight loss physicians who truly understand where you are and want to see you succeed!
What would Lauren say to someone who is considering the program?
“Just try it! There is nothing to lose. I have personal experience that this is the best program, and it will help you if you give it the chance. Give it two weeks, and you will be hooked. Anyone can do anything for two weeks right?” Schedule a consultation with the Albano Clinic to get started today!