Stem cells are powerful. Did you know these tiny, yet powerful natural healing agents can relieve your pain and change your life? You already have the healing power of stem cells inside of your body, but they can be gathered from several different sources, then specifically targeted to help you heal.
Stem Cell Therapy harnesses the human body’s natural healing power. In this type of procedure, stem cells are injected into an injured or painful area. The body responds by using those cells to accelerate the repair of that area.
There are two types of stem cells commonly used in regenerative procedures. The stem cell’s source is what classifies it into one of the two different categories and helps doctors (like Dr. Albano) determine whether or not it will be used to repair a patient’s specific injury. A combination of stem cell types is often recommended as the best option, depending on each patient’s specific needs.
What Are the Two Types of Stem Cells?
Autologous stem cells come from the patient’s own body. They are harvested from three different areas of healthy tissue: Blood, fat, and bone marrow. Cells gathered from the blood are specific growth factors called Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). Autologous Fat Grafts (AFG) is taken from fat and Bone Marrow (BM) stem cells are, of course, gathered from a patient’s bone marrow.
For example, Ron Coshow injured his elbow lifting a heavy pipeline at work, making everyday life very painful. Instead of having surgery, Dr. Albano prescribed both PRP and fat cells in order to repair the injury. Now Ron is back to moving like he used to and doing what he loves. He even decided to have the same procedure done on his other elbow!
Allogenic stem cells come from outside the patient’s body. These cells contain healthy growth factors that boost your body’s natural healing mechanisms. They are gathered from amniotic fluid, exosomes, placental tissue, and an umbilical cord or blood tissue. This type of tissue is typically discarded and is gathered safely and ethically.
Carol Smith was a very active person, but over time, arthritis in her hands started to take over her everyday life. Everyday tasks like making her bed caused severe pain. Dr. Albano used PRP, fat, bone marrow, and umbilical stem cells to treat her arthritis and her entire life has changed! Carol regained a significant amount of motion in her hands, can perform tasks like pouring her cup of morning coffee without pain, and even went back to work where she types and uses a computer throughout the entire day.
Bonus: Bridge Treatments
Hyaluronic Acid and Dextrose (sugar water) are both classified as Bridge treatments. While they do contain not stem cells, they can help with healing and alleviate pain on a smaller scale. Bridge treatments may be used in conjunction with stem cell therapy. They can also be recommended if a patient needs a shorter recovery time and needs to simply “get through” a certain time frame before a more complex procedure.
Which Type is Best?
While one type or subtype isn’t necessarily better than the others, each of them varies in “strength” and purpose. Patients thrive when they work with a team that will honestly evaluate and talks through their specific injury and individual considerations. A customized treatment plan of multiple types is often best.
Suffering from painful injuries shouldn’t keep you from doing what you love. That’s why we believe in the natural healing power of stem cell therapy. We’ve seen it change lives and help people live without pain over and over again. Don’t let pain make everyday life frustrating. The Albano Clinic would love to help you find the right type of stem cell treatment to fit your needs and help you move and feel better!
Schedule an appointment online or call today at (385) 881-2909.
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